Assabet River Cleanup 2001

Preparations at Damonmill Betsy and Pam at Damonmill Acton (Rt 62) Acton - 9:30am Dottie coordinated the Maynard cleanup Maynard at Powdermill Road Maynard's tire pile at 9:40am Hudson at Whispering Pines Hudson at Houghton Street - 10:15am Hudson - South Street Hudson - Wheeler Street Crew Ron spots another bottle Hudson at Wheeler Street - 10:45am The two Julia's coordinate Hudson and Stow Stow at Gleasondale - 11am Stow at Gleasondale Heave ho! Barbara in Maynard at River Street Maynard at River Street - 11:30am Maynard at Powdermill Road - 11:30am Lots of tires... Maynard at Powdermill Road Acton team's haul filled a dump truck - 11:45am Acton - Rt. 62 The Acton crew is done for the day Dumpster in Concord at Harrington Park - noon Concord at Harrington Park Concord team at Westvale packs up for the day - noon Maynard team finishes the day with pizza Final trash haul at Maynard - noon Maynard cleanup crew The Earthwatch Institute Team in Maynard Stow at Gleasondale Hudson at Houghton Street - 12:30pm Time for pizza! Julia fancies the T.C. Lando's pizza box... The Hudson Crew has lunch in Houghton Park Members from the Intel cleanup team celebrate another cleanup One last load heads downstream to Houghton Street - 12:45 Northborough at River Street Northborough at Route 20 Northborough at Route 20